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PEG MGF is a type of insulin-like growth factor that is produced mainly after physical work. MGF causes myoblasts (muscle cells that hibernate) to divide and enhances muscle growth and regeneration.

MGF has a short half-life, lasting only minutes, and a special agent, PEG (pegylation), is used to extend its half-life.

Effects of PEG MGF in bodybuilding:

The cumulative experience with mechanical growth factor showed that a 5-week course of the drug causes:

  • muscle growth through hyperplasia (acceleration of cell division), hypertrophy (increased cell volume) and prolongation of cell life, at all ages;
  • reduction of body fat percentage by an average of 5-6%;
  • increased endurance;
  • increases muscle definition;
  • increases venous prominence;
  • Growth of new blood vessels in muscles and bones (proven by Deng M, Wang Y. in 2012);

Additional effects of PEG MGF:

  • increased immune defence;
  • improvement of skin properties;
  • reduction of cholesterol levels;
  • accelerated recovery;
  • protects the nervous system;
  • stimulates bone marrow cell multiplication;
  • inhibits cell apoptosis and preserves cardiac function after myocardial infarction.

How to take PEG MGF:

The average daily dose of Peg-MGF is 100-200 mcg, with a frequency of 2-3 times a week. Larger doses do not result in a significant improvement of results.

On training days the product is administered immediately after training in order to imitate physiological secretion as much as possible, because the natural mechanical growth factor is released by the organism in response to tissue damage.

Route of administration: subcutaneously with an insulin syringe. Sometimes intramuscular injections are made into the target muscle, although this approach makes no sense. If mechanical growth factor worked locally, asymmetric muscle growth would be observed. There are a number of examples that show that regular injections into one buttock (because it was uncomfortable to put in the other with the left hand) over several courses did not result in preferential growth of that buttock compared to the other.

The course duration is 5-6 weeks.

It is sometimes recommended to use the product in mega-doses of up to 1000 µg at 3-4 times per week, before starting a workout, but according to feedback the final results increase only slightly, so larger doses are not advisable.

Where to buy PEG MGF online?

You can order PEG MGF online with fast delivery to EU, UK, USA, AU.

We ship all products only after full payment is made.

PEG MGF cost is indicated for 1 pack (unit).

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