Hepatamine 40 tablets

EUR 40.00

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Hepatamine - Liver bioregulator

Normalizes and improves liver function, helps its recovery from the negative effects of drugs, infections, toxic compounds, alcohol.

Packing: 40 tablets per pack.



Hepatamine is indicated in a variety of liver diseases, such as

  • Cholestasis and portal hypertension
  • Functional liver failure
  • All types of hepatitis and its sequelae
  • Alcoholic and toxic liver damage
  • Acute and chronic liver failure
  • Pre- and postoperative periods in liver surgery
  • Long courses of antibiotics
  • For elderly people to maintain normal liver function

There are many liver diseases and most of them are quite dangerous. What makes them tricky is that liver diseases do not show themselves until the last moment, i.e. until the organ virtually shuts down, and do not cause any painful symptoms. This alludes to the fact that one of the most important organs of our body requires special attention.

According to the WHO, more than 50 million people catch hepatitis viruses every year. Of these, more than 10% develop chronic viral hepatitis (CVH). In 20% of cases, the outcome of CVH is cirrhosis of the liver. Alcoholic liver damage does not lag behind - decompensated cirrhosis (when the liver is unable to perform one or more of its functions) in Russia by 2017 already has 238 per 100 thousand people.

The liver has many important functions, but the main one is to neutralise various foreign substances, in particular allergens, poisons and toxins, by converting them into harmless, less toxic or more easily removed from the body. The liver is also responsible for removing excess hormones, vitamins, toxic metabolic intermediates and end products such as ammonia, phenol, ethanol, acetone and ketone acids from the body.

This suggests that it is the liver cell, the hepatocyte, that first encounters damaging agents. And one of the factors of damage to any cell, including the liver cell, is a decrease in the saturation of the cell with protein, which is included in all cellular structures. In case of protein deficiency, the cell loses its shape and its functions are impaired. This leads to further pathological changes in the whole organ.

In order for hepatocytes to regenerate and be protected from damage, as mentioned above, proteins are primarily needed. Proteins (proteins) control the processes of intercellular interaction and determine the cell's ability to repair itself. All tissues contain certain types of proteins. This was discovered in 1999 by Günter Blobel, who received the Nobel Prize for his scientific work. The scientist discovered that the protein molecule is self-regulating. Lack of peptides (with age or pathology) accelerates tissue wear and tear, the aging process and leads to the development of diseases.

How does Hepatamine work?

Hepatamine contains components derived from bovine liver, which is a complex of proteins and nucleoproteins with a selective effect on liver cells, as these proteins are identical in all mammals. The complex has the ability to enhance regenerative processes in hepatocytes and helps to normalise liver cell function.

Through the mechanism of transcytosis, the incoming protein ends up in its unchanged form in the target cell. In this case, the target cells are liver cells - hepatocytes. Once inside the liver, Hepatamine saturates the cells with an optimum protein "diet", allowing them to recover faster and normalize their functions - protecting the body from external damage and excreting the necessary metabolic substances.

Clinical studies on the effect of Hepatamin on liver function and biliary tract were conducted in 115 patients with liver disease, as well as in 45 cancer patients after a course of chemotherapy.

After a course of use of Hepatamin more than 70% of patients noted disappearance of weakness, increase of appetite and efficiency, disappearance of dyspeptic manifestations. A pronounced reduction in the intensity of pain syndrome was found in half of the examined patients. In evaluation of effectiveness of application according to data of biochemical researches it has been established that during use of Hepatamin stabilization of bilirubin, alanine aminotransferase levels has occurred, the level of immunoglobulins in peripheral blood has decreased. The obtained data indicated a significant decrease in the activity of the inflammatory process in the liver tissue. Thus, the hepatoprotective ability of Hepatamin was confirmed.

Directions for use:

Hepatamine is recommended to take 1-3 tablets 10-15 minutes before meals, 2-3 times a day, for 10-15 days. The course is repeated in 3-6 months. Hepatamin has no contraindications and can be used both independently and as part of complex therapy.

What to use with?

The state of the liver is inextricably linked with the state of the blood vessels. Often disturbances lead to damage to the endothelium - the inner lining of blood vessels and subsequent impairment of blood circulation to various organs and tissues. Vazalamin is a natural bioregulator that is recommended to improve blood microcirculation in various organs and tissues.

Often, liver, digestive disorders due to insufficient pancreatic enzymes. Pancreatic bioregulator - Pancramin - has been developed for the prevention and correction of these disorders. Pancramin restores normal function of pancreatic cells and helps to normalise the digestion process and assimilation of nutrients necessary for the body

Where to buy Hepatamine online?

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